
Join leading paleontologists, researchers and community dinosaur enthusiasts as they travel back 66 million years to examine what led to the mass extinction of dinosaurs and other prehistoric inhabitants

Free cronuts and noise makers will be given to all party-goers!

For this landmark 50th year, the Museum looks to the past and to the future – highlighting its heritage with early acquisitions while introducing its commitment to digital asset management

Using museum specimens, simulations and research data, students investigate ecosystem stability and change in Utah’s Uinta Mountains

Groundbreaking new exhibit invites visitors to connect and coexist with Utah’s wonderous nature

A public show and sale featuring traditional handcrafted Native American arts and crafts from 30 artisans representing 11 tribes across the Western United States

Lecture and book signing with author Kurt Repanshek on Sunday, September 15 at 1:00pm at NHMU

New Traveling Exhibit at Zions Bank Features Unique Collections Objects and Family-friendly Activities to Celebrate the Museum's 50th Anniversary

Step out of the heat and enjoy the Museum's summer artisan market, games, activities, and foodie workshops, July 20 and 21

Explore the incredible challenges migratory elk and other dynamic wildlife face as they trek from the protected landscapes of the Greater...

The Natural History Museum of Utah is honored to announce Sarah Parcak, Space Archaeologist, Egyptologist and the 2016 Ted Prize...

Speaker Duncan Metcalfe presents, Farming Among the Fremont: Anticipating Tomorrow

Opening day event ¡Celebracion! A Tapestry of Culture to feature living traditions of the indigenous people of Central America and Mexico

Discover the rich history, inspiration and symbolism behind traditional Native American arts and crafts at the Natural History Museum of Utah’s...

Digitized Museum Collection Objects Used in New Ways to Connect Students with Science

Searching for firefly habitats in Utah

Become a Citizen Scientist of Utah's Biodiversity

East coast native Abigail Curran is beginning to settle in as Chief Operating Officer at the Natural History Museum of Utah, a new position within...

Discover the cultural history and artistry of contemporary and vintage Navajo weavings at the 6th annual Navajo Rug Sale and Silent...

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Explora y aprende como las “Maravillosas Máquinas de la Naturaleza” corren, brincan, se deslizan, nadan, muerden y mastican en la nueva exposición Natures’s Ultimate Machines en el museo de Historia Natural de Utah.

Explores how animals run, chomp, swoop and swim

A two-day celebration of “Dinosaurs in Motion

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